Dr. Saliha Eroglu /?output=FEED&user_id=103675&about=1&r=4 en Dr. Saliha Eroglu Fri, 01 Mar 2024 02:42:07 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2024-02 🥇 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2024-02 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's top trainer last month! Also thanks to our runners up Sandra Hillawi and Bilge Yalçın. Thu, 01 Feb 2024 07:34:05 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2024-01 🥈 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2024-01 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's second most active trainer last month! Sun, 01 Jan 2023 01:28:02 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-12 🥉 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-12 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's third most active trainer last month! Tue, 01 Nov 2022 02:34:02 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-10 🥇 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-10 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's top trainer last month! Also thanks to our runners up Bilge Yalçın and Sandra Hillawi. Sat, 01 Oct 2022 05:14:01 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-09 🥉 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-09 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's third most active trainer last month! Fri, 01 Apr 2022 09:34:03 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-03 🥈 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2022-03 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's second most active trainer last month! Thu, 01 Apr 2021 04:44:05 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2021-03 🥉 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2021-03 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's third most active trainer last month! Tue, 01 Sep 2020 04:48:01 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2020-08 🥉 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2020-08 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's third most active trainer last month! Sun, 01 Sep 2019 21:49:01 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2019-08 🥈 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2019-08 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's second most active trainer last month! Thu, 01 Aug 2019 20:49:01 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2019-07 🥈 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2019-07 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's second most active trainer last month! Mon, 01 Jul 2019 21:49:01 +0000 https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2019-06 🥇 Congratulations Dr. Saliha Eroglu! https://goe.ac/top-trainers/2019-06 Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for being the GoE's top trainer last month! Also thanks to our runners up Sandra Hillawi and Sümeyra Gorgun. Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-energy_dating_coach_tr Modern Enerji Dating Aşk Koçluğu https://goe.ac/courses/energy_dating_coach_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing Modern Enerji Dating Aşk Koçluğu with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi! Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-stress_management_foundation_tr Temel Modern Stres Yönetimi https://goe.ac/courses/stress_management_foundation_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing Temel Modern Stres Yönetimi with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi! Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-supermind_master_tr SuperMind Master https://goe.ac/courses/supermind_master_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing SuperMind Master with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi! Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-modern_energy_healer_tr Modern Enerji Şifası Ders El Kitabı https://goe.ac/courses/modern_energy_healer_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing Modern Enerji Şifası Ders El Kitabı with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi! Mon, 15 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-modern_energy_coach_tr Modern Enerji Koçluğu https://goe.ac/courses/modern_energy_coach_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing Modern Enerji Koçluğu with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi! Mon, 04 Mar 2019 14:18:06 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_february_2019.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - February 2019 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_february_2019.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to Turkey's Saliha Eroglu for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for February 2019!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - Bridin McKenna</li> <li>3rd Place - Helen Ryle</li> </ul> Thu, 24 Jan 2019 10:39:02 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_december_2018.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - December 2018 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_december_2018.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to Turkey's Saliha Eroglu for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for December 2018!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - <span>Katerina Kalchenko</span></li> <li>3rd Place - Gülay Gecu Bayaz</li> </ul> Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:14:17 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_october_2018.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - October 2018 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_october_2018.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to Turkey's Dr. Saliha Eroglu for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for October 2018!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - <span>Aisling Killoran</span></li> <li>3rd Place - <span>Eda Yaman</span></li> </ul> Wed, 12 Sep 2018 13:11:52 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_august_2018.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - August 2018 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_august_2018.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to UK's Sandra Hillawi for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for August 2018!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <ul> <li>2nd Place - Nimet Özkan</li> </ul> </ul> <ul> <li>3rd Place - Dr. Saliha Eroglu</li> </ul> Tue, 21 Aug 2018 12:17:13 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_july_2018.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - July 2018 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_july_2018.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to UK's Sandra Hillawi for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for July 2018!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - Katerina Kalchenko</li> <li>3rd Place - <span>Dr. Saliha Eroglu</span></li> </ul> Tue, 17 Jul 2018 14:56:07 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_june_2018.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - June 2018 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_june_2018.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to England's Sandra Hillawi for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for June 2018!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - <span>Maria LiPuma</span></li> <li>3rd Place - <span>Saliha Eroglu</span></li> </ul> Mon, 16 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-modern_energy_tapping_professional_tr Modern Enerji Tapping Profesyonel https://goe.ac/courses/modern_energy_tapping_professional_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing Modern Enerji Tapping Profesyonel with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi! Mon, 11 Jun 2018 13:04:30 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_may_2018.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - May 2018 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_may_2018.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to Turkey's Dr. Saliha Eroglu for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for May 2018!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - Aynur Apaydin</li> <li>3rd Place - Bridin McKenna</li> </ul> Sat, 30 Dec 2017 17:14:00 +0000 https://goe.ac/we_are_the_guild_of_energists_review_2017.htm We Are The Guild of Energists! - Review 2017 https://goe.ac/we_are_the_guild_of_energists_review_2017.htm?r=100 <p>Alex Kent, CEO of the Guild of Energists (GoE) reflects on how our not-for-profit modern energy organisation has grown and flourished in 2017. The GoE is now active in over seventy countries, serves over 1,800 members and has a complete range of courses on Modern Energy including Modern Energy Tapping, Healing, Stress Management, Coaching and Energy Dating.</p> <p>Starting out in 1998 providing professional classic energy tapping training courses, the Guild now offers professionals and courses for people no matter where they currently are on the Modern Energy Chart - Therapy (phobias, fears, anxieties, PTSD), Healing (Hands-on-healing, Animals), Corporate Wellbeing (Modern Stress Management, Creativity), Coaching, Dating Coaching and Creativity.</p> <hr /> <ul> <li><a href="/we_are_the_guild_of_energists_review_2017.htm#report">Read End-of-Year Report</a></li> <li><a href="https://goe.ac/new_years_resolutions_2017.htm">New Year's Resolutions &amp; Achieving Your Goals in 2018</a></li> <li><a href="/conference/register">Purchase GoE Energy Conference 2018 tickets before 1st Jan 2018 for just £149</a></li> </ul> Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:05:59 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_november_2017.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - November 2017 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_november_2017.htm?r=100 <p>Huge +10 CONGRATULATIONS to Portugal's Alexandra Paulino for winning <strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong> for November 2017!</p> <p>A big "Well done!" also to our runners-up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - Rosette Poletti</li> <li>3rd Place - Saliha Eroglu</li> </ul> Wed, 30 Aug 2017 09:38:39 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_july_2017.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - July 2017 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_july_2017.htm?r=100 <p>Congratulations to <a href="https://nimetoezkan.goe.ac/">Nimet Özkan</a> for winning "<strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong>" in July 2017!</p> <p>Also congratulations to our runners up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - <a href="https://salihaeroglu.goe.ac/">Saliha Eroglu</a></li> <li>Joint 3rd Place - <a href="https://alexandrapaulino.goe.ac/">Alexandra Paulino</a> &amp; <a href="https://fionadilston.goe.ac/">Fiona Dilston</a></li> </ul> Mon, 05 Jun 2017 10:35:23 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_may_2017.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - May 2017 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_may_2017.htm?r=100 <p>Congratulations to <a href="https://sandrahillawi.goe.ac/">Sandra Hillawi</a> for winning "<strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong>" in May 2017!</p> <p>Also congratulations to our runners up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - <a href="https://salihaeroglu.goe.ac/">Dr Saliha Eroglu</a></li> <li>3rd Place - <a href="https://karenaquinas.goe.ac/">Karen Aquinas</a></li> </ul> Fri, 05 May 2017 16:09:30 +0000 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_april_2017.htm GoE Trainer of the Month - April 2017 https://goe.ac/goe_trainer_of_the_month_april_2017.htm?r=100 <p>Congratulations to <a href="https://peterdonn.goe.ac/">Peter Donn</a> for winning "<strong>GoE Trainer of the Month</strong>" in April 2017!</p> <p>Also congratulations to our runners up:</p> <ul> <li>2nd Place - <a href="https://salihaeroglu.goe.ac/">Dr Saliha Eroglu</a></li> <li>3rd Place - <a href="https://raniaeltahtawy.goe.ac/">Rania El Tahtawy</a></li> </ul> Thu, 27 Oct 2016 00:00:00 +0000 certification-103675-modern_energy_tapping_foundation_tr Temel Modern Enerji Tapping https://goe.ac/courses/modern_energy_tapping_foundation_tr.htm BIG +10 congratulations to Dr. Saliha Eroglu for completing Temel Modern Enerji Tapping with GoE trainer Gulcan Arpacioglu Adams!